Should you look for signs from God? The story of our engagement | #WHLpodcast Ep. 04

Join us for the story of our engagement—our personal engagement story that might spark engagement story ideas for you. We dive deep into the question: Should you look for signs from God? Whether you’re looking for signs from God, about your relationship, wondering does God give signs or does God send signs, or asking how to know if God is giving you a sign, this conversation is packed with insights. We’ll explore signs from God about relationships, signs from God you are on the right path, does God tell you who to date, and signs to look for when engaged, all through the lens of Christian dating and Christian marriage.

We also tackle how to hear from God, how to hear from the Holy Spirit, and why you might (or might not) be looking for signs from God about God’s love. If you’re walking through Christian life, growing in Christianity, or navigating faith-based decisions, our personal testimony will encourage you. Learn how to discern God’s leading, handle doubts, and trust His timing—even when it comes to engagement and marriage. If you’re curious about should you look for signs from God about God, shattered love, or simply need guidance in any season, we pray this episode offers clarity, faith-building wisdom, and relatable hope.

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Wholehearted Love is hosted by Stefanie & Caleb Rouse—relationship mentors, authors of four books, content creators, and a faith-driven husband-and-wife duo devoted to empowering you in every stage of your relationship journey, from singleness to marriage. Stefanie holds an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Seminary with an emphasis in Theology, and Caleb earned his M.Ed. Through their mentorship programs, they’ve guided countless individuals from heartbreak to thriving marriages. They share real-life stories, practical insights, and biblical wisdom to help you wholeheartedly pursue healthy, thriving relationships. This podcast isn’t for those who want to settle or stay in shallow connections; our dynamic discussions will challenge your perspective, equip you with Christ-centered principles, and propel you toward God’s best for your life. We pray you walk away from each episode with fresh eyes to see how deeply God loves you—ultimately viewing Him, others, and yourself from Jesus’s perspective.

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